Pubg Motor Glider

PUBG has failed to keep up with the expectation of the players. It is one game that has remained in trend for recent years. We have seen many new games coming up and becoming famous overnight but that lasted for a few months only. Most games fade away within months because they do not have any new thing for the players and they get irritated by the same gameplay. However, this is not the case with PUBG which keeps adding new items to the game. PUBG Glider is the all-new item that has arrived in the game and we are going to discuss it.

PUBG New Item:

PUBG is known for adding new items to the game in order to the expectation of all the players. It is a very common fact that it has a dedicated team that gives on thinking about new items to be added to the game and what to keep the players engaged. You might be aware of PUBG labs which are the official testing server. PUBG labs have announced the launch of an all-new item in the game which is very exciting and you must know everything about it in detail.

A new motor glider has been added to PUBG which can accommodate several players and you can find them at different places. It is one of the latest items and is a very exciting one. We are going to discuss everything about the new PUBG motor glider that has been added to the server and you will also understand where to find the new PUBG glide and how to use it. So go to the complete article and understand everything about the new product. it is also recommended to read other articles on a website that has all the latest information about PUBG mobile.

PUBG Motor Glider:

Pubg Motor Glider Locations

PUBG Labs tweeted that a new motor glider vehicle has been added to the test server and it will be available for a temporary time. This means that you will be able to access this vehicle on the test server for a specified period of time. It is a glider that can accommodate two players of a team and you can even shoot people while you are flying in the sky. This is one of the best items that has been added to PUBG in recent days.

The motor glider is well planned and has a great look. It is also very easy to operate and the players have a great advantage of shooting others from height and also throw a grenade on the enemies. The probability of getting killed is also very low because there is protection on both the lower and upper sides of the glider. This is why you must try out the new motor glider in PUBG mobile today itself. Read the complete article in order to understand the procedure of operating the new PUBG vehicle and also where to find it.

How to Operate PUBG Motor Glider?

Pubg Motor Glider Controls

It is very easy to operate a new PUBG motor glider. All you need to do is find a PUBG glider and then sit in it like any other vehicle. The player will have to start running. This is because the motor glider will start only when it gets sufficient speed. It will automatically take off once it gets sufficient speed. The glider can go up to a maximum speed of 70 kilometers per hour and the fuel efficiency is also dependent on the speed. The more you accelerate, the more the fuel will be consumed.

It is very easy to operate the new vehicle and it will give you an upper hand. The glider can be controlled using the normal Arrow keys of the PC or using the controller on PUBG mobile. It can either move forward or backward all can be tilted right or left. Hence, it is very easy to do this and you will be able to handle the new item quite well without any problem. More information about the location of the glider has been mentioned below and you can read it in order to find the vehicle in your next match itself.

PUBG Motor Glider Location:

PUBG Motor Glider Location

Thee PUBG motor glider is located in the test server and is valid across all maps of the classic was in. It is available in different parts of the game and you can access the PUBG motor glider by reaching the location where it is present in the test server. It is very simple to get a PUBG motor glider. Earlier, the probability of finding the motor glider was very high because it was located on the fixed location. Hence, it was always available at a specific location on the map and anyone could go there and take it.

However, in the latest update of PUBG season 6, the developers have changed to the response time of PUBG motor glider. It is now available in different locations in different respawn times. It is very easy to get the motor vehicle but the new update makes it difficult. The new update has reduced the probability of finding the motor glider in the same location. It is now available at a response time of 25%. This means that the probability of getting the item in a fixed position is 25%.

Final Words

PUBG mobile remains one of the best games because of the new items it adds. The new PUBG motor glider that has been notified by the PUBG lab is one of the best items that has been added to date. You can read all the details about the new glider in this article and understand the basic features of operation and where to find it. It is not officially available on the main server yet and this is the reason why you will have to wait until it is officially released after all the tests have been completed. Until then, you can go to the test server and try out the new vehicle along with your friends.

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