PUBG Mobile to Get Helicopter And Combat Vehicles in Latest Update!!

Pubg mobile has already become the number one game in the world. One amazing feature of this game is that the developers continuously work on something new and keeps it fresh and exciting. The latest edition to pubg mobile was TDM, 4v4 version. The game Is Loved by millions of people across the world and you will be excited and excited to know that a completely new version of the game is going to hit soon. The latest pubg helicopter update is coming sooner than we expect. A helicopter? Yes, read the complete article to know more about the latest pubg update.

Pubg Helicopter Update:

Pubg Helicopter Update

The developers of Tencent mobile are currently working to redefine the Erangel map. You might be aware of the fact that it was the first map of pubg mobile and it is one of the most actively anticipated versions in the game till now. We are just a few days away from the latest update of pubg mobile. According to the official statement of Tencent mobile, the developers are in advanced stage to roll out the latest pubg helicopter update in which multiple new features will be added. So are you excited for the new version?

Pubg Mobile To Soon Get Helicopter:

Pubg New Helicopter Update

  • Players will soon be able to fly the helicopter in pubg mobile. The Erangel main aap is going to receive a fresh update and it is going to include a lot of new features including helicopters
  • However, the exact launch date or the rollout of the update is not known yet officially. Pubg mobile released a teaser of the new map on its official Facebook and Instagram page.
  • You can follow Babaji on Instagram as well as Facebook officially and check out the latest teaser which has been revealed.
  • According to some leaks and rumours, the new helicopter which is going to be included in the mobile version of the game will be similar n design as Boeing AH-6 helicopter.
  • This information has arrived because the beta version of the Chinese pubg mobile has already included these updates.
  • It is expected that the update will make a global debut after all the testings are done successfully in China
  • a lot of New exciting features are also going to make the way to your mobile along with the new update. read the complete article given below in order to understand additional features that will arrive on your device once pubg decides to roll out this latest update.

Pubg Mobile to get combat vehicles:

PUBG for PS4 Gameplay

The pubg mobile update which promises to bring some big changes in the game will also add combat vehicles. So are you excited for the all-new pubg mobile update? You might have already got the hunt about all the new features that are going to come along with the new update. If you are a regular pubg mobile player, you can relate to the fact that driving a vehicle through a city like pochinki can be really dangerous. This is because people will shoot the vehicle and it will explode and you will get killed.

It is always a huge risk when the entire team is travelling in a single-vehicle. The reason being that even one a person standing outside and hiding in the grass can blow the vehicle and all the four members can get killed. This has been a big problem and most users try to find some alternative to minimise risk. Now, there is no need to worry about this thing because the latest pubg update will bring some new combat vehicles that will be bulletproof to some extent.

Will the Vehicles be 100% Bulletproof?

Pubg Helicopter Update 2020

We know that combat vehicles will be added to the map. However, it is not sure if they will be hundred per cent bulletproof or will be feasible to some extent. This kind of vehicle is already available in the game but it is very rare. The car that you get as a flair drop is always bulletproof and no one can kill you by shooting at the vehicle. You will only get knocked out if the person is shooting directly on the character sitting inside the car.  Similarly, such cars will be made available on the roads as well. This means that a lot of changes are going to come with the new update.

It means that you can move around in a safe car and prevent or minimise the risk of getting shot while driving the car. It is a great feature and his son going to make way to your mobile. Many other features are also going to come along with the new update. Track our dedicated pubg blog to catch the latest updates about the game and all the upcoming.

More details about the Pubg Mobile Update:

PUBG Levels

  • The helicopter which we have been talking about in this post will be available on the terrace of school. Hence, you will have to go to school in order to get the helicopter.
  • Remember that a lot of people are going to jump in school because of the new feature. Hence, you must take adequate advantage of this knowledge and land somewhere else and then gradually move towards school once you are armed.
  • Moreover, it will respawn in something. Hence, you should not worry that someone reaching earlier will take the helicopter and escape. You will always get the chance to grab the helicopter because it will keep on reappearing in the game.
  • Users will also be able to shoot from the helicopter. This means that the teammates can shoot a helicopter which is coming towards you. Additionally, you can also shoot the people. This will be great when you will be doing drop hunting.
  • The new controls of the helicopter will be quite similar to the cars and you will have to spend a few minutes to understand the basic controls.
  • Overall, the new update is going to be really amazing. Hence, keep a track on our website to remain updated about the latest developments of pubg mobile.

Check this AWESOME Helicopter Tutorial Guide on PUBG:

1 thought on “PUBG Mobile to Get Helicopter And Combat Vehicles in Latest Update!!”

  1. thanks for providing the information about the new helicopter and combat vehicles update by this article, when I read about this combat vehicles and helicopter update, I will be excited to play this new updated version.


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